As recently as last week Benedict XVI urged the Australian Government to seek forgiveness from Indigenous Australians: “I encourage you and the Government to continue to address with compassion and determination the deep underlying causes of their plight,” the Pope said. “Commitment to truth opens the way to lasting reconciliation through the healing process of asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness – two indispensable elements for peace.” [more]
The Neocat position, as proclaimed by assistant PP Clesio Mendes in his “homily” that day, was clear: there’s no point in saying sorry – just ask for God’s forgiveness. The congregation responded with incredulity; some walked out of the church.
Time and time again these men speak and act out of ignorance; a willful ignorance born of a refusal to become informed by reading or dialogue; an ignorance that is inexcusable in clergy appointed to a parish with an involvement and commitment to the Aboriginal people unlike any other; an ignorance that can only be seen as based on deep seated racism and prejudice that seems to be sanctioned by the church hierarchy.
As the saying goes…If it were not such a serious matter….the comments of the highly enlightened Neocat Clesio would leave one laughing until his next homily.
This is simply just another incident to add to the limitless examples of how ignorant these ( brainwashed ) people are. They are picked up from very vulnerable situations and places…given a crash course on Kiko’s way and then ( as in a sausage factory ) let loose on unsuspecting Parishes. These parishes do not know who these people are as the Neocatechumen Way is shrouded with complete SECRECY.
When one comes to realise that certain members within the Catholic Church’s hierarchy are hand in glove with this Secrecy and Deceit, what hope has poor Joe or Sally from the Parish got? I mean people like Clesio would have been somewhere in Brazil not long ago and are suddenly propelled into Parishes as so called Assistant Priests.
What an absolute FARCE….Can you believe it…Aboriginals having to say sorry for being so naughty…Time to call in the Super Nanny.
God help us all !!!
Yeah, that’s right “Cornel”, if that’s your real name. Let’s get together soon (privately, of course) and devise a clandestine way in which we can get rid of these people. Maybe we can get some senior clerics interested, too (but we’ll have to keep it under wraps, OK?)
By the way, the word verification for this post was “kancwaus”. The could stand for Kiko Arguello, NCW in Australia. Oh my goodness, what could be the significance of this? Is the Redfern Churchmouse secretly in league with those fanatics as a subliminal means of promoting the Way? We need to get a conspiracy expert in on this soon. Perhaps David Irvine is available?