A Small Voice from St Vincent’s Redfern

Church Mouse is currently being rebuilt from the ground up using the latest versions of WordPress web publisher and Coppermine photo gallery, with every attempt being made to restore all the original content.

The Church Mouse website is an eclectic public record of the history and curious goings on in the parish of St Vincent’s Redfern, an inner city suburb of Sydney, Australia.

Launched in 2004 as Church Mouse Journal, it first appeared as Church Mouse at the end of 2006, and subsequently underwent several upgrades. Since late 2015 the website has been dormant, becoming a little more … Continue reading

Important Reminder! or How’s this for a load of pseudo sanctimonious drivel?

The following notice appeared on the back page of last Sunday’s church bulletin. It is full of mistakes and misinformation.

The Church Mouse has added a few clarifications and corrections.

Come to the 6 pm Mass next Sunday, the Solemnity of All Saints, with our very own(1) Archbishop Anthony Fisher, OP to consecrate our new altar. It will be once in a life time celebration. Bring food and drink to share after the event.

No regular Masses next weekend.

Perhaps you wonder: Why such major restorations and renovations including the installation of the new liturgical signs, furniture … Continue reading

Remembering Ted – 10 years on

A mass will be held at St Vincent’s, Redfern, at 10am on Sunday, 24 May 2015, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the passing of Fr Ted Kennedy.


The parish priest, Melvin Llabanes, has kindly agreed to have Fr Frank Brennan concelebrate and deliver the homily.

All are welcome.

Morning tea will be served after mass – please bring a plate if you can.

The following is a condensed version of an article written by Val Noone on the occasion of Ted’s funeral, and published in Táin Edition … Continue reading

Mural restoration has begun!

Good news!

After many months of delays, and only(?) about a year after Cardinal Pell instructed the parish priest that the mural was to be restored, today the restorer finally was allowed to begin work.

It should take some 4-6 weeks, working Mondays to Thursdays, and fitting in around morning Masses and Sharing the Meal.

More details will be posted soon.

Memories of Tom Hammerton

On Monday 11 August 2014 at St Vincent’s Redfern we farewelled Tom with a wonderful celebration of his life. Details will be posted soon.

In the mean time, you are invited to email your memories of Tom to Peter Kearney for collation into a tributes booklet to be given to Tom’s wife Jan, and daughters Alexis and Kimberley.

Tributes will also to be shared with the wider Redfern community through the Church Mouse website.

Peter’s email address is: peterkearney87@gmail.com

The Mural saved – ?


Parishioners have been asking the parish priest for a clear statement of his position on the Aboriginal Mural since rumours of its impending removal began to circulate. On one occasion, when particularly pressed, he reluctantly said he would not remove the Mural, but added, sotto voce, that someone else might.

Just before the Parish Advisory Committee meeting last month, a petition was hurriedly circulated around the local Aboriginal community. It read:

Save the Mural – September 2013

Petition to Fr Melvin Llabanes, Parish Priest of St Vincent’s Redfern

We Aboriginal people respectfully request … Continue reading

The report – another view

The opinions expressed in the report prepared by Fr Don Richardson and architect Harry Stephens of the Liturgy Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney are just that – the ideas of two people. The Chairman of the National Liturgical Architecture and Art Board has another take on some of the issues raised in the report, as the following comments indicate:

… some basic considerations about the mural, altar and other liturgical items that seem to be under threat are:

  • Liturgical art and architecture norms notwithstanding, the cultural heritage context of the St Vincent’s community, and especially its … Continue reading

The Church Mouse is back!

The Church Mouse has more or less been in a state of hibernation for almost two years (since October 2011, in fact).

This was a deliberate choice.

When Melvin Llabanes was first appointed as parish priest of St Vincent’s, he came with a friendly demeanour and apparent willingness to engage, offering the hope of something better than the preceding 8 years of Neocat hell.

Despite warnings from the West (Mirrabooka and Kelmscott), and a couple of less deluded parishioners, that Melvin was not to be trusted, totally intoxicated with idealistic visions of what might be, I … Continue reading