Saturday night mass

A newsflash just received from Michael G:

There was mass at St Vincent’s tonight with approximately 80 WYD pilgrims from Spain. The door was locked but three of us knocked on the door and managed to get in.

The mass was extraordinary, the sign of Peace was just like ours, the young people shared their ideas of the gospel spontaneously, and they even had a big dance around the altar for the final song.

During communion the priest went within the seats and gave the Eucharist. Everyone held onto it until the priest returned to his seat and devoured it. They had it in their hands for many minutes, and I got to thinking whatever was the yelling to CONSUME all about. I could have done anything with Jesus apart form the fact I devoured him straight away not realising that we were all supposed to wait for the priest.

I did not understand a word but they were lovely people. I welcomed country and welcomed them, and pitied the Priests who did not let us know of this event as I was sure more parishioners would have liked to have been there. Music was great, by the way, all in Spainish off course and the three of us said goodbye to every person in the church.

They are all leaving Sydney tomorrow to evangelise in towns on their way to Brisbane. They will be back for the Pope’s mass on Sunday (go figure!!)

As we left I watched Clesio get the shock of his life when he discovered the picture of Ted and the child in the foyer. Angrily he expressed his disapproval and said he would remove it tomorrow morning. I told him that he couldn’t do that as it was placed there by Bishop Cremin. He was furious and just said angrily that it would be taken down. I warned him not too.

By the way a couple of people were busting for the loo, and Clesio forgot the key.  Ain’t God just perfect

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  1. Pingback: Friends in Spain – Church Mouse

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