When asked to expand on his views on clericalism in the Church, he used a phrase perhaps first coined by Hans Kung, when he suggested that there was a trickle-down effect associated with Papal infallibility that often flowed all the way down to the humble parish priest.
The clericalism cap fits the Neocat priests exceedingly well, for they must be revered and obeyed without question. But Neocat clerics are not just infallible – on several occasions the Church Mouse has heard at least one of them pronounce that when standing at the altar celebrating Mass he becomes none other than Jesus Christ himself!
No doubt it is their godly powers that give them the ability to see deeply into the hearts and souls of others in order to lovingly and reassuringly proclaim “you are not a Catholic” or “you are not in communion with the Church”.
Do they really believe that they are acting like Jesus?
But the Mouse does digress. Or maybe not.
Next Sunday, Sister Marnie Kennedy, the pillar of the St Vincent’s community and sister of Ted, turns 80.
As part of the planning of a celebration to mark the event, the community’s Fr John Ford spoke to Neocat pp Mendes on Tuesday about wanting to offer a special Mass for Marnie on her birthday. As though filled with the hubris of that same trickled-down infallibility, the Neocat responded that it was the parish priest’s right and duty to say Sunday Mass – especially on such an important feast as that of Christ the King – and that what Ford suggested was totally inappropriate and unacceptable.
Young Mendes’ thoughtful response left the usually affable Fordie – who has been a priest for some 50 years – fuming with anger.
He took the same line when he spoke to Marnie, questioning her intentions and Fordie’s, and left her in much the same state.
Marnie’s birthday WILL be celebrated, come hell, high water or Neocats.
Join us on Sunday.
Renowned Australian sculptor Tom Bass – whose altar is a feature of St Vincent’s Church – is keen to express his great respect for Fr Ted Kennedy and Shirley Smith with a sculpture.
Bass has contributed in an unrivalled way to the urban art of Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and other cities. He will be attending St Vincent’s with his wife Margo Hoekstra and members of the Tom Bass School.
A meeting will follow the 10am Mass to discuss ideas for the sculpture.
All welcome.