Parish Priest Appointed to St Vincent’s, Redfern

Archbishop George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, has today announced the appointment of Fr Gerry Prindiville as Parish Priest of St Vincent’s, Redfern. Fr Prindiville will say his first Mass in the parish on Sunday 20 July 2003.

Fr Prindiville is an Australian who grew up in Perth. Later he moved to Canberra. He was a public servant for many years before deciding to pursue the priesthood, offering himself as a diocesan missionary priest after being formed through the Neocatechumenal Way.

Fr Prindiville was ordained in 1995 as a diocesan priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, USA. He is on loan to the Archdiocese of Sydney for missionary work.

For the past four years Fr Prindiville has been working in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the West Indies. On these small islands near the Bahamas Fr Prindiville ministered to the small proportion of Catholics among the mainly Anglican population.

On making the appointment, Archbishop Pell says “As Parish Priest Fr Prindiville will rebuild the local parish community and minister to all the locals, especially the Aboriginal people. He will be supported by members and seminarians of the Neo-Catechumenal Community with which he’s been involved since the mid 1980’s. I welcome him and thank him for taking up this important ministry for the Archdiocese of Sydney.”

Fr Prindiville will be joined at Redfern by Deacon Clesio do Nascimento Mendes a native of Brazil, who is preparing for priestly ordination for the Archdiocese of Perth.

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