For the first few years of my coming to Redfern to Mass,
I had been closely associated with Ted during his time as Chaplain at
I had been a Jesuit for thirteen years, leaving the Order in 1962 after just one year of Theological studies, and had been deeply excited by the ferment of thought and the liberation of spirit that were renewing the Church at the time. I found in Ted the essence of what I had come to value, a quiet openness to what the best thinkers were presenting to the Church, and an inspiring capacity to look afresh at aspects of Catholic life and thought, discerning what was authentically Christian from what was simply the cultural perspective of another age. His fearlessness in abandoning what was unnecessary and in appropriating what was new and genuine gave me complete trust in him. He was what I wanted the Church to be and yet he pointed so clearly to ways in which it wasn’t what it should be.
At St Vincent’s, then, I felt at home. Ted’s homilies focused on insights of the best scriptural scholars and offered the sustaining power of the Scriptures. They showed from Church History ways in which modern Catholic doctrine and liturgy had been impoverished by deviating from authentic Christianity. They pointed to ways in which Church power had been, and was being, abused to the detriment of the faithful. They offered rich insights into the history of the
Over the last few years, however, perhaps because Ted wasn’t there so much, I became aware of a new reason for valuing
I became aware, too, of how grateful I was to the Priests who supplied for us and kept us together as a community during the long period when Ted was too ill to be with us very often. There were several M.S.C.s, several Jesuits and a Passionist, there was a Sri Lankan and a Papuan, some of them gentle, some of them very passionate men, but all ready to enter in their degrees into the relaxed spirit of
We welcome Fr Peter Carroll M.S.C. now as our new parish priest and we hope he finds a happy and fulfilling ministry among us. His generosity in taking it on so readily and our gratitude to him for doing so both promise that he will.