How others see us?
Take a look at More On NeoCats – But Now From Down Under on Robert Duncan’s Pelican Press weblog.
Take a look at More On NeoCats – But Now From Down Under on Robert Duncan’s Pelican Press weblog.
Sydney Morning Herald, January 7, 2006
MAUREEN FLOOD died 40 minutes after Kerry Packer. The timing of their deaths was the only thing they had in common, apart from their dyslexia and the fact that people they left behind are still talking about them, and will do so for a long time.
Packer died with an estimated fortune of $7 billion. A Christian friend in this secular Australia raised with me Jesus’s words, reported by St Matthew: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a … Continue reading
Some years ago Sr Maureen Flood, SSS, reflected on the St Vincent’s community in SACRED SITE:
One of the reasons why I love this community so much is that the telling of stories is given considerable space. Be they sublime, terrible, funny, shocking, sad or too long, every story is received and honoured. The liturgy enfolds the stories of the day – the personal and the communal. This can be demanding. At St Vincent’s the liturgy is not always consoling or comfortable. The Mass is not ended until announcements have been made by anyone who wants to let us … Continue reading
Just in case, gentle reader, you have been concerned about the Church Mouse’s recent inactivity, rest assured that the declining rate of Journal postings is not a barometer of Neocat activity in the parish.
The fact of the matter is that the Mouse has been somewhat distracted by other business, and has simply not had the time to keep the morsels coming.
This year’s Christmas Sharing of the Meal and distribution of hampers will be celebrated on Tuesday 20 December.
Offers of help or contributions of food for hampers will be gratefully accepted – please … Continue reading
A graduation address by Father Frank Brennan SJ AO, friend of St Vincent’s and guest speaker last month at a UNSW graduation ceremony for the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Environmental Studies, during which he received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws.
Last December, I was in New Orleans, that most enchanting of southern US cities. Staying at Loyola University, I enjoyed the charming southern hospitality not only in the piano bars and at the university but also on the tramcars and in the streets, which had been invaded by football fans from all over the United States for … Continue reading
A few Sundays ago the church bulletin reassured the Community that “assistant parish priest” Sudla was performing good works in the Philippines – see Sudla’s whereabouts.
It now looks as though this may have been just another Neocat lie, an attempt to deny that Sudla may have fled the country to escape a Church Tribunal hearing into his behaviour.
The Church Mouse has it on very good authority that Sudla is unlikely to be returning to Australia, that he may have left the ministry and is no longer a priest.
Will more factories producing theologically, pastorally and socially challenged clergy like those suffered by the St Vincent’s community save the Church? See CathNews article Pope blesses cornerstone of new Sydney Seminary.
What is wrong with the men who control our Church?
There’s none so blind.
Today’s Church bulletin carried the following proclamation from Prindiville:
Change of Priest’s Residence
As from this week the presbytery will be located at 108 Great Buckingham St, Redfern.
Saturday evening Mass will continue to be celebrated in the presbytery. This is the only legitimate Parish Mass on Saturday evening. Neither I nor the Cardinal have given permission for any other parish Mass on Saturday evening. The small number of long-time parishioners who have tried the “only legitimate” option found the experience disturbing and could not, in good faith, continue.
A Neocat-free alternative has been in effect more or less since … Continue reading
As if the Neocats aren’t bad enough, Sydney is about to be subjected to an even more dubious bunch of Catholic crazies.
The Church Mouse has it on good authority that the Legionaries of Christ are about to descend upon the inner western Sydney parish of Stanmore. George, what the hell do you think you’re doing to us?
Take a look at The Rick A. Ross Institute‘s extensive and disturbing set of references on this group.