Indigenous school in Redfern presbytery

St Aloysius’ College, Milsons Point is proposing to convert the old St Vincent’s presbytery next to the church into a special school for Aboriginal children. This article appeared in the South Sydney Herald, November 2009

The proposed redevelopment of an unused Redfern presbytery as an Aboriginal school has been met with some opposition.

The St Vincent de Paul Presbytery, a heritage building on Redfern Street, has been in a state of disrepair for a couple of decades, something which was made worse by last year’s fire. Confirmation of the Church’s redevelopment proposal is … Continue reading

The First Supper

One of the Church Mouse banner images – those at the top of the page that keep changing – that seems to attracts more attention than all the others is from a photograph of a framed image hanging in the back of the church.


It is a print of a work entitled “The First Supper” by Australian artist Susan Dorothea White, who says:

I was inspired to paint The First Supper after Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, by the narrative drama and magnificent composition of Leonardo’s painting. I wanted to … Continue reading

Peter Kearney’s Good Morning Good People!

Come and celebrate St Francis’ Feast Day (Oct 4)

St. Joseph’s Church Newtown – September 27th

A Journey in Song

A pilgrimage of the heart through the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

Fr. Phillipe Yates OFM England


This unique concert weaves song, music & narration to tell the life of St. Francis of Assisi—an extraordinary and inspiring man. Australian Capuchin-Franciscan priest Fr. Francis Merlino wrote of ‘Good Morning Good People’: “This … Continue reading

Assistant PP replaced

On Sunday pp Mendes introduced his new assistant, Fr Miguel Zavarese, at the 10am mass. The community wishes Fr Miguel well – please God he will find peace and happiness at St Vincent’s.

Is it just the Neocat way of doing things, or an indication of Mendes’ regard for the community, that nothing was said regarding the circumstances of the newcomer’s predecessor, Joe Pelle, nor about Zavarese’s background. The community was disappointed that they were denied the opportunity to say their goodbyes.

After mass Mendes’ pastoral skills really shone forth when he bustled his new assistant out of the church, … Continue reading

Mass aborted yet again!

Sunday 2 August 2009

The Prayers of the Faithful were kicked off by Clare, who read from the back of an envelope a reflection inspired by the proximity of Hiroshima Day (6 August, also the feast of the Transfiguration). Before she could finish, the celebrant, Mendes, rudely interjected. Clare nevertheless persisted, reading the fourth and last sentence of her prayer.

Then Ann, driven by her recent visit to Central Australia, tried to offer a prayer and Mendes spat the dummy. The letters/emails tell the rest of the story.

This is not the first time that Sunday Mass has … Continue reading

Priests – special?

The following Prayer for Priests by St. Therese of Lisieux has appeared in the last few St Vincent’s church bulletins. It seems to be sufficiently divorced from reality to strike a chord with the Neocat clergy.

0 Jesus, eternal Priest,
keep your priests within the shelter of Your Sacred Heart,
where none may touch them.
Keep unstained their anointed hands, which daily touch Your Sacred Body.
Keep unsullied their lips, daily purpled with your Precious Blood.
Keep pure and unearthly their hearts, sealed with the sublime mark of the priesthood.
Let Your holy love … Continue reading


Southern Highlands Foundation
Ted Kennedy Aboriginal Fund



Cnr Centennial and Kirkham Rds

All donations can be delivered between 9am and 4 pm the day before – Saturday, 19th September to the Old Steiner School in Bowral. (Centennial Rd entrance)

Our wish list includes general household goods (rugs, mats, linen, crockery) / books & mags / bikes / plants / furniture / garden tools / toys (but no soft toys please) / electrical goods (no computers) / hardware items … Continue reading

Good shepherd or dead sheep?

Predictably, the community was admonished today over last Sunday’s celebration.

Mendes seized upon the theme in today’s readings asserting the quality of his shepherding skills, as he has on other occasions, and that last week’s priests are  not just bad shepherds but wolves masquerading as shepherds, hungry to devour any misguided sheep that might stray within their reach.

(Ed: Neocat clergy, of course, do not register on the Church Mouse’s Good Shepherd Scale – not even somewhere below dead sheep.)

Lest anyone in the small congregation was struggling with the intent behind his good shepherd/bad shepherd pronouncements – his … Continue reading

Frank Brennan’s homily

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St Vincent’s Church Redfern

12 July 2009 – (The Eucharist preceding the launch of Edmund Campion’s Ted Kennedy, Priest of Redfern, David Lovell Publishing, Melbourne, 2009)

Amos 7: 12-15
Mark 6: 7-13

In 1975, I turned 21 and headed down from Queensland to join the Jesuit novitiate here in Sydney. Most nights a fellow novice used offer a prayer for Ted Kennedy. I could not work out why we needed to pray constantly for a US senator – no matter what his Irish Catholic … Continue reading

Danny Gilbert launches book

Here is the text of Danny Gilbert’s address for the launch of Ed Campion’s new book – Ted Kennedy Priest of Redfern

Danny Gilbert at the microphone, David Lovell and Ed Campion seated

I am honoured and pleased to launch Father Ed Campion’s book about Ted Kennedy.

As I thought about this task, I realised how impossible it was to just talk about the book. I simply had no choice but to add bits here and there about my own life with Ted. … Continue reading