Church without a priest, but no loss of spirit

The Catholic community of Redfern, with the largest indigenous congregation in Australia, prays without a resident parish priest. But this could not stop yesterday’s celebration.

The state MP Linda Burney told the congregation of the historical significance of their church, St Vincent’s: "We celebrate the truth of Australia here, warts and all. This is the history we share. This is an honest place."

Ms Burney, the first indigenous member of the NSW Parliament, said the church was a bridge between the Aboriginal community and the church, and a welcoming place open to all people.

Redfern Church without a priest, but no loss of spirit

The Catholic community of Redfern, with the largest indigenous congregation in Australia, prays without a resident parish priest. But this could not stop yesterday’s celebration.

The Sydney Morning Herald this morning reports on the situation at St Vincent’s Parish, Redfern in inner-suburban Sydney which has been without a resident parish priest for a month.

State MP, Linda Burney, the first indigenous member of the NSW Parliament, told the congregation of the historical significance of their church, St Vincent’s: "We celebrate the truth of Australia here, warts and all. This is the history we share. This is an honest … Continue reading

Parish priest moves out of ‘intolerable’ position’ at Redfern

Fr Bob Irwin, provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, has asked the parish priest of St Vincent de Paul Church, Redfern, Fr Peter Carroll, to withdraw from the parish.

“I believe Fr Peter has been placed in an intolerable position that is most unreasonable for any parish priest,” he said.

Fr Bob said he had asked the priest to withdraw “after much careful reflection and prayer, and conversations with many people, including the archdiocese”.

Congregation rejects priest’s disruption of Aboriginal ministry

One of Australia’s largest and most historic indigenous church congregations wants its parish priest of eight months dismissed because he allegedly alienates Aborigines.

The dispute began when Fr Peter Carroll MSC demanded the removal of Aborigines gathered on the footpath outside St Vincent’s Catholic Church in Redfern, Sydney, before Sunday mass.

Under his predecessor, the legendary Fr Ted Kennedy, it was a tradition to disburse collection money to those waiting outside the church.

Letter to Fr Bob Irwin, MSC Provincial

Father Robert Irwin
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

Dear Father Irwin

We have been authorised to write to you on behalf of those members of the community of St Vincent’s Redfern who attended the meeting on May 4, 2003 to discuss the future of St Vincent’s, and in particular the role of Father Peter Carroll as parish priest. Father Carroll was invited to attend but declined to do so. We understand that you were also invited.

The meeting was convened in the context of increasing concern for the spirit and charism of … Continue reading

Guidelines for Appointment of Religious

Guidelines for Appointment of Religious to Ministry with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Prepared by a Sub-committee of the Founding Forum in consultation with ACLRI Aboriginal Issues Task Force. 1999.


These guidelines are offered to Congregational Leaders for use in the appointment of religious to Ministry with Indigenous Australians. They are intended as support and assistance in this task, rather than imposition while at the same time reflecting and strongly asserting a shift in our manner of working with Indigenous Australians.

Neocats in Melbourne

NEOCATECHUMENATE COMMUNITY – Archdiocese of Melbourne – Report of activity in one parish

by Paul Cooney, sm
post 1990

1. The Neocatechumenate was invited into the parish in 1977. At its peak there were five communities with about 100 adult members. Eventually in 1990 after two and a half years of prolonged discussions and attempted dialogue, the Parish Priest of the time withdrew permission from the four itinerant catechists of the Neocatechumenate from Italy to conduct activities in the parish or with groups from the parish.