Secret memorial service?

For several weeks the community has been trying to have a proper requiem at St Vincent’s to farewell Sr Pat Durnan, with Fr John Ford as celebrant.

Both Clesio Mendes and Miguel Zavarese obstinately refused all requests, insisting that it was their prerogative as parish priests to officiate at such things, whether they knew the deceased or not, and certainly regardless of the wishes of relatives and friends.

Having taken this inflexible stance, M & Z told several individuals a week or so ago that they would be holding a memorial service for Pat. At the same time, with a … Continue reading

Pat Durnan – letter to Stephanie

Stephanie was in Year 3 in 1995, and had been given a letter writing assignment. The project required that she write a letter to a grandparent asking specific questions about the older person’s childhood. Because Stephanie’s grandmothers both lived very close by (one in fact in the family home) she thought to write to Pat, a person of the same age group.

This is Pat’s reply.

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Sister Pat Durnan – Danny Glibert

Three priests, Fr Ted Kennedy, Fr Fergus Breslan & Fr John Butcher arrived at St Vincent’s Redfern at the end of 1971. Their vision was to establish a new way of priestly life where each was equal, where they would be free to engage in community life and where their house, the presbytery, and for that matter, the Church, would be open houses of welcome for all, particularly the poor and marginalised.

Sister Pat Durnan or Sister John, as she was then known, was a woman drawn to that vision of Church. Although by nature quite conservative, Vatican II and … Continue reading

Pat Durnan memorial service

There is still no date set for a memorial Mass at St Vincent’s for Sr. John (Pat) Durnan.

Fr John Ford, who knew Pat, agreed to say the Mass when asked last Tuesday at Sharing the Meal. He approached Miguel Zavarese, assistant parish priest, who was also present at the Meal, requesting permission to celebrate the memorial Mass.

Zavarese refused, insisting that if there was to be such an event he would be the one to do it. Neither Zavarese nor Mendes (the PP) knew Pat.

Such is the generosity of the Neocat spirit to which the Community has … Continue reading

Vale Sr John (Pat) Durnan

Many of you will remember Sr John (Pat) Durnan as a founding member of our community. She was a great friend of Ted Kennedy’s, looking after him during his latter years while he was still able to stay at his home in Burrawang, and a great friend of the Aboriginal people, eventually selling her home in Araluen and donating the proceeds to the AMS.

DURNAN. – Patricia. Sr. John MSC Died peacefully at Epworth Freemason Hospital on Nov. 5, 2010 Cherished member of the Congregation of the … Continue reading

The travellers depart

God speed to Ralph, Shireen and Linda as they head off today for Rome and the canonisation of Mary Mackillop.

They are taking with them the St Vincent’s banner.

The St Vincent’s banner, depicting Shirley Smith and Ted Kennedy – "saints" of Redfern – along with Mary Mackillop, against a backdrop of the church mural bearing the words of Pope John Paul II

Last Sunday the congregation at the 10am Mass was informed by the releiving priest that the parish priest and his assistant would … Continue reading

Redfern parish moves from tears to cheers with their rock of Gibraltar

Emotional day … Linda Kemp cried as she was blessed by the parish priest
of St Vincent’s for her trip to Rome. Photo: Kate Geraghty, SMH

It took eight men to move it, but in doing so they lifted a spiritual weight from the shoulders of a congregation.

Parishioners at St Vincent’s Catholic Church in Redfern, inspired by the coming canonisation of Mary MacKillop, defied their parish priest and returned a baptismal font to its original place in the church baptistery.

The act … Continue reading

Off to Rome for MacKillop canonisation

The St Vincent’s Community is sending three of its members to Rome for the canonisation of Mary MacKillop.

On the last Sunday of this month (September 26) the community is hosting a ceremony to "Bless and Send Forth" three of its Aboriginal members, who will be travelling to Rome for the canonisation ceremony on October 17.

They include outspoken long-term parishioner Ralph Townsend, and artist, singer and former ATSIC commissioner Shireen Malamoo.

The trip has been made possible by community members Sr Esmey and Sr Mary, of The Gathering Place in Caroline St Redfern. In 2006 they unexpectedly … Continue reading


Sunday 11th July 2010.
St Vincents Redfern.

The Church Mouse has reported infrequently in recent months on the blatant abuse of clerical authority at St Vincent’s, not because things are settling down between the community and the Neocat clergy, but in the interests of providing a less incendiary space for all concerned.

From time to time the ever present tensions erupt and sometimes the story simply must be told. Last Sunday was such an occasion; it left the community doubting the very validity of Clesio Mendes’ 10am Mass.

The Mass began uneventfully enough after the customary argie-bargie between Clare … Continue reading